Grey Wolves


Lika Khoperia

Save these beautiful creatures! (Lika Khoperia / Lincoln Lion Tales)

Wolves are animals often misunderstood by society. Some myths suggest that wolves are evil and most of the time were killed. Recently the wolf  population has been decreasing dramatically. Wolves are an endangered species because when wolves come into areas where livestock is kept farmers shoot them to ensure the protection of their livestock. The issue is that wolves are not purposely coming to kill livestock out of spite but their diet options are decreasing. Deer have become very big in game hunting so wolves now have to compete with humans for their food.

550 wolves were killed this hunting season and that is only a handful compared to the added federal agencies, and poachers who also killed wolves this season. Federal agencies give permission to farmers to kill wolves that come too close that are considered to pose a threat to the livestock.

Wolves have always been portrayed in bad light even in the children stories’ like “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf” and “Peter and the Wolf”. From a young age children are unconsciously taught to fear the wolf. But in reality the wolves are more scared of us than we can be afraid of them. Wolves almost never pose a threat to human safety. There are plenty of other animals that pose bigger threats to human life.

According to the history list this is the list of deaths per year.

Bee/Wasp 53.00
Dogs 31.00
Horse 20.00
Spider 6.50
Rattlesnake 5.50
Bull 3.00
Mountain-lion 1.00
Shark 1.00
Bear 0.50
Scorpion 0.50
Centipede 0.50
Alligator 0.30
Elephant 0.25
Wolf 0.10

People need to be informed about whats going on in the environment and around them in general, about the challenges and future that the animals on earth face, so that we can spark change, and so our next generation will get to see and be amazed by the majestic animals of our planet. There are different options and ways you can get involved now, to help grey wolfs and other animals. Their existence is in your hands, so help by donating through the links below, and make sure to inform any friends, family members, or acquaintances possible.Donations are possible through the following organizations:

WWF Global

Howling For Wolves

Defenders of Wildlife

Predator Defense

Wolf Conservation Center

International Wolf Center

California Wolf Center