Workers fixing up the library. ( Ms. Lyte/For Lincoln Lion Tales. )
The library was thought to be under construction for quite some time now, but construction really began in August. The project has lasted lasted since July 2015 because Lincoln had to wait for an approval in order to start the construction. According to Ms. Lyte, guidance adviser, the estimated date when the library will be finished is October 1, 2016.
You might have seen by now that there is a barrier surrounding the library. This is because when the library was built in 1970, the paint they used had lead so they had to repaint it all over again. Since the walls were contaminated with lead, painters working in the library had to wear hard hats, vest suits, and masks for safety reasons. Although the barrier helped students to be safe, it made it harder for people to get to their classes. Instead, they had to go around to get to the wings and science department.
They did this so more students could fit into the library and work. There will be counselors in the media center for students when the library is completed. New bookshelves and furniture will be all purchased. Bookshelves that were on the right side of the entrance and far back have all been moved so students could have more space.
According to Ms. Lyte, in 2014, Lincoln received a measure H funds to help build the library. With that money, Lincoln has spent over $550,000 for the project on the library. Books can still be checked out in the basement in the main building. After the library is open and ready to use, the textbooks will remain in the basement, but readings books will be in the Media Center.
Stay tuned for more information about the opening of the new library.