Here at Lincoln, our campus super visors pick up trash from students leaving it on school grounds, and for them to pick up other people’s trash is not right. We, the students, know that throwing trash on the floor is bad, but we do it anyway and sometimes students will leave trash next to garbage cans, and are too lazy to walk over to one and put it in the garbage cans. When I was walking around I decided to ask staff and students what they thought about students leaving garbage around. Here are their thoughts:
Marcos Valdovinos (sophomore) – “It’s a problem that we need to fix, I just don’t get why people can’t just walk over to the garbage cans a throw their garbage away”
Christopher Lawrence (sophomore) -“I think it’s a serious problem and if we want the student bank to keep running, we need to clean up our trash”.
I saw a student walking by and I so I asked him what he thought about garbage around Lincoln and I got some good feedback. he said that “everyone litters around Lincoln”. So I ask him, do you throw garbage on the floor, and he responded saying “no but I’ve done it before”After he walked off I asked someone else and I got better feedback, they didn’t want their name in the article, but she did have some stuff to say about the topic.
“I don’t get why kids will just throw garbage on the floor when they can just walk over to the garbage can and throw away their trash and not leave it for other people to pick up, because I’m tired of picking up other peoples’ trash. And its not fair to the staff to clean up after others.”
I also ask some question to one of the school’s administrators, Ms.Hansen about the trash problem here at Lincoln, here are her answers.
“The trash drives me nuts, its not’s terrible but there are some pockets of areas where it’s really bad, but it does drive me a little crazy because it’s our campus and the students’ campus, And when there’s trash there’s seagulls and when they eat the food that we leave on the floor, the seagulls do their business on our campus and it gets annoying.”
“It drives me nuts because there are so many trash cans for students to put their trash in, so it does make me a little irritated when they could just walk over to the trash cans to throw away trash.”
“This is my campus as much as it’s your campus so if I’m walking down the halls and I see something I’ll stop and pick it up. Because it doesn’t matter who’s trash it is, this is our campus, we should pick it up.”