Do Urban Students Have More Educational Opportunities?


A photo of Berkeley, CA taken on April 16, 2017. Berkeley is a city that has one of the oldest public universities in California, UC Berkeley. (Hazel Marmolejo / Lincoln Lion Tales)

We see advocacy for college everywhere in high school. Schools in the Bay Area have endless opportunities for students to strengthen their chances of getting into a good college. Schools try to implement advice for college and teach students what they need to do in order to get into one of their top schools. The advice ranges from telling kids what courses that are required for the in-state schools to helping students choose their classes for the following year.

School counselors do what they can do to keep you on the right track to get into a 4-year college. However, the rural counties of California see much lower graduation rates and college entry rates. Does where you live in California have an impact on your opportunities?

Less than 45-49% of students in Santa Clara County are attending a public university in California, and less than 25% attending a community college. College entry and high school graduation rates have a higher percentage in urban area, While more rural areas such as Tulare County in Southern California in which less than 20% of students have completed the a-g requirements.

Here at Lincoln, Lion Tales interviewed Margaret Isied, a college and career counselor, and she said “a little over 90% of our students choose to go on to a post-secondary option which can range from community college, [to] a 4 year college.” This means that here at Lincoln, students have an advantage over rural high school students because, looking at the numbers, more students here go to college than elsewhere.

Living in a more urban area gives you an advantage when it comes to graduating and getting into college. Students in urban areas often get unlimited opportunities to take part in activities that would expand their chance of succeeding. Lincoln students, don’t miss out on the opportunities rural students don’t have. Get involved!