Mr. McClure's eighteenth year counseling. This is Mr. McClure's first year counseling at Lincoln (Nancy Quintana / Lincoln Lion Tales).
Noticed any new staff members at Lincoln? This year, Lincoln hired nine new staff members. One of these staff members is Mark McClure. Mr. McClure is the new ninth grade Academic Counselor. He was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He attended the De Anza College where he graduated with an Associate’s Degree and then went to San Jose State University where he got his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree. He is starting his eighteenth year counseling here at Lincoln for the 2018-2019 school year.
Lion Tales had a chance to sit down and talk to Mr. McClure, asking him questions about him and his job as a counselor. Mr. McClure decided to become a counselor after receiving his Bachelor’s Degree. He debated whether becoming a social worker or a school counselor, and decided on the latter.
During Mr. McClure’s freshman year of high school, his father passed away and he had a difficult time finding his way at that point. His counselor, who also happened to be his brother’s and sister’s counselor, provided him guidance and direction at this point in his life. This, he said, is a major influence as to why he is now a counselor.
Mr. McClure has been working for the school district for eighteenth years and has worked at “just about every high school in the district.” A few years back, he was offered a position at Lincoln but declined it. He declined the position because his son who graduated Lincoln a few years ago, did not want to have one of his parents working at school, since his mom was a teacher at his elementary school and his father was a counselor at his middle school. Mr. McClure wanted to be at Lincoln for some time and is “glad” to now be here.
Mr. McClure believes that there is open mindedness at Lincoln, as well as very professional staff. He is intrigued by the extremely focused and polite student body at Lincoln and believes it is a “wonderful place.”
He is immensely motivated by his family. He used to be a singer and a drummer in a band and now teaches himself a number of instruments. Mr. McClure enjoys the outdoors such as white water rafting, kayaking, canoeing, camping, backpacking, and mountain climbing, he is also a backyard farmer.
A piece of advice Mr. McClure gives to high school students is “Be patient with yourself, be patient with people around you and think about the future. Try to plan ahead.”