Lincoln’s Lion F.I.T.T Program Adopted by Other Schools

Lincoln is excelling in Physical Education! Our school’s P.E. course program has recently been adopted by every middle and high school around San Jose Unified School District, with the exception of one middle school.

The Lion F.I.T.T. program has been of such great interest to these schools because our P.E. instructors have created a fun and very active regimen that has proven to keep many young Lions in shape throughout their high school years.

Lion F.I.T.T. is a daily routine from Monday through Friday, pushing our students towards their unknown abilities. The program starts off on Monday with a weekly mile run that shows the students their level of endurance and stamina. Tuesdays and Thursdays are what we call “Fitness Days”, which are are held in the the main gym and consist of four different workouts constructed by our instructors. These workouts focus on upper body strength, lower body strength, agility, and flexibility. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the teachers play a sport with their classes to relax everybody from their hard work.

Lion Tales talked to Mr. Kim, one of the P.E. instructors, about how they first came up with the program. He responded that the the teachers “saw a report on the Mercury News about how our districts and counties didn’t have good fitness scores through the Fitnessgram Test, and that came as a blow to the face to us because it’s basically saying that we’re not doing our jobs and that we needed to improve.”

Mr. Kim also discussed how the P.E. Department keeps students engaged in their fitness. He said about the teachers, “Mainly they explain to their students how important fitness is and empower the students that they need to set goals for themselves in fitness, and show them the things they need to do to achieve these goals. They also give out awards to students for their high performance, which could be just for improving in a certain area like a free mile.”

As for myself, a participant in Lion F.I.T.T. for two years,  I can say that I have seen a great improvement in my fitness ability following the program day by day, and now know that the only thing holding me back is myself. I greatly encourage schools and students to try the program because it will help you, not only in fitness, but in everyday life.

These instructors will motivate you every day, keep you posted for new ways to be more healthy, and even provide a pair of ears to listen. Lion F.I.T.T. is hands down the best physical program I have participated in. I can’t lie and say that it was never difficult or frustrating, but it was always doable if you followed the routine daily. As a plus, you will always make new friends in class to keep you focused and striving for more.