Dynamic Schooling: The Future Way of Education?
Wouldn’t it be nice to gather experience about dorm life before the actual college life begins? To have a positive learning environment around you that exceeds the normal school day? Lincoln is planning on introducing a program that comes close to that. Lion Tales obtained an overview of this project from one of the principal writers of the proposal, Lincoln English teacher Andrew Christian, and this article is a result of reviewing that overview.
This June 2015, a proposal for a Summer Residency Pilot known as “Dynamic Schooling” will run concurrently with Lincoln High School summer school. Approximately 32 students selected from Lincoln ESY (Extended School Year) classes will take residency in dorms on the campus of San Jose State University during the first two weeks of summer school, after morning classes at Lincoln are done. However, this proposal is not completely confirmed so things may change.
This program is designed to create an improvement in grades and as preparation for college dorm life, since dorms are an essential part of college. The students will stay from Monday morning until Friday afternoon. They will be supplied 3 meals a day, including breakfast and dinner, with lunch supplied by Lincoln. Students will be bussed between Lincoln and SJSU daily, as well as to all field trips.
It is also thought that this program will benefit students who are experiencing environmental factors that are disturbing their learning motivation, mental or physical health. It does not matter if these conditions are at home, in students’ social lives, or in their school environment. The program is aimed at students in grades 6-12. The students who participate will be able to experience something that will exceed the normal schedule and give them the opportunity to figure out what they are capable of and where they can still improve. If they have never had the chance to see what they can do, thanks to this program, they now will have that chance.
Students will participate in a 2-week Project-Based Learning curriculum that includes health and wellness practicums, writing and math support, academic and social tenacity workshops, and collaboration platforms.
The values taught in the program are not only academic. The teachers will teach lessons that are personalized, collaborative and empowering. They will teach real world relevant subjects, to pave a path for success.
So what do the organizers offer students?
They hope mainly to help each student grow as a person. Students will get more motivated as individuals. Also, they will have improved social skills, which can be helpful after the program to improve conditions at home. They are expected to develop the habits of mind to become lifelong learners who appreciate the gift of education more than the usual student.
As good as it sounds, the program is still in the planning phase and a lot of aspects are still needing to be cleared. Who is going to watch the students overnight? Also, will students be interested in it? Even though they are provided the opportunity of having a better educational environment and personalized learning, they have to give away a lot of personal freedom. They will have strict schedules and more hours of class time than the average high school student. During their time on SJSU’s campus, they will only be allowed to go to areas where they are supervised, which is restricting of personal freedom as well.
The program promises to be a great chance for people who have trouble in their life to have access to everything that is needed to start a successful career. With the Dynamic Schooling program, Lincoln wants to give its students the best opportunities possible. For everyone.

Till Kleinert is a foreign exchange student from Schwelm, Germany. He is a junior and will be attending Lincoln High all year long. He is currently living...