Book Review: 13 Reasons Why

(Lincoln Lion Tales/Natalie Guevara)

Usually when someone passes away, their secrets leave with them. This isn’t the case for Hannah Baker, the main character in 13 Reasons Why, by Jay Asher. The novel was published in 2007 by Razor Bill. This book was very hard to close once I opened it. I would be reading one page, but I would also be thinking about what was going to happen on the next page.

In the book, Hannah Baker commits suicide but leaves 13 tapes explaining the reasons why she took her life. Each tape shares a different story of a different person who had an impact on the permanent decision Hannah made. Listening to these tapes changes their lives forever. Just knowing they were one of the reasons for her misery explains their emotional reaction towards the tapes.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. It taught me that the smallest things can make a huge impact in the future, and to also think before I speak. Words are not deadly but they can do a lot of damage. I most definitely would give this novel a 9/10 rating.