Back-to-School Student Spotlight
As students return to Lincoln from their summer break, we decided to ask students what they like, missed and are excited about the upcoming school year! Here are the questions that Lion Tales asked:
1.)What is something you like and dislike about teachers?
2.)What’s your favorite subject so far?
3.)Have your classes been exciting, why or why not?
4.)What do you think of Lincoln high school so far?
5.)How long has it taken (or will take) to adjust to your new grade?
6.)What’s your favorite area on campus so far and why?
7.)Do you like the new schedule and are there any changes you would make to it?
8) Do you like the classes you got, why or why not?
9) Did you come to Lincoln for its performing arts or something else?
10) Are you looking forward to this school year?

Joseph Comstock (Senior)
1) I like the teachers that are funny. They don’t treat you like a student but as a friend. I feel like I do a lot better in classes where I’m actually treated like a person, not just another student.
2) I don’t really have a favorite . I like math the least. No, but my favorite subject would be AP chemistry.
3) They’ve been exciting, I’m glad to learn new skills to help benefit my future. AP Literature and AP chem and weight training, those are my favorite. I like challenging myself.
4) It’s a lot better than my old schools. I like the sense of community and the classes they offer.
5) It doesn’t feel any different. I’ve adjusted fine.
6) On campus? Next to the library in the little alcoves behind the bushes. I like the seclusion.
7) I like it, it means I don’t have to go to all my classes all the time. If I could change it I’d just
make the classes shorter, or go back to the old schedule.
8) No not really.
9) I’m taking mariachi and animation. I don’t care much for them. I play music on my own and I’d rather just do that.
10) Yes, I’m excited for weight training and getting buff!
Angelina Fernandez (Senior)
1) I dislike how they have to teach us things we don’t want to learn about.
2) My favorite class is AP Bio. It’s kinda fun and the teacher is nice and cool.
3) My CCOC class is exciting. We get to play with dogs in my class!
4) It’s okay, could be better. Maybe have better teachers.
5) I’ve already adjusted pretty much.
6) The pit because no one else really goes down there.
7) No, I like the old schedule better.
8) Yeah because I got my CCOC class.
9) I had dance for three years, it was fun. I’m not taking any performing arts this year.
10) Well, I’m looking forward to getting out of here and graduating.

Nicole Chartrand (Junior)
1) I guess that they take the time to teach us and the different way they connect to the students
2) I guess French. French is exciting. I like Mr. Alpers though, he treats like young adults.
3) I guess, I mean it’s only been three days but French is fun because she makes it fun
4) It’s a lot better than middle school.
5)I’m already used to it lol it just still feels weird to think I’m a junior and after that I’m a senior and then off to college
6) Either in front of the art room on the grass because that’s where all my friends are at or the library because I like the librarians and I like to help them.
7)I liked the old schedule better, I guess.
8) Yeah, I mean they’re good enough. I liked my classes last year better, but it’s only the first week so far, so hopefully they’ll get better.
9) I was in drama and art. I like it because it help me express myself. I’ve been doing drama since kindergarten and it’s really fun.
10) Not really. I don’t get to see my friends as much because of my classes. But I am excited to be a junior.
Omar Gonzalez (Junior)
1) Some teachers don’t seem to care about the student. I like when teachers care and try to relate to us.
2) Drama, my teacher makes it a fun learning environment, we get to know our classmates and trust each other.
3) Yeah because they make it fun.
4) I don’t like school in general, so…
5) I already have.
6) I don’t have a favorite place.
7) Not really, but, I mean I like it because it helps me concentrate on certain classes more.
8) Yeah, they’re alright.
9) Just drama, my first year with a performing arts class.
10) I’m looking forward to getting my stuff together, getting through school.
Isaac Webster (Sophomore)

1) I like older teachers since they are more experienced and dislike teachers with a temper.
2) My favorite subjects are chemistry and Spanish since chemistry is chill and Spanish has helped me learn a lot about the language.
3) Yes, because my Spanish teacher is comical.
4) I dislike it here and I prefer my old high school.
5) It took me three days to adjust and my sleep schedule was an instant change.
6) The pit since there is a lot of shade there.
7) Yes, the new schedule is fine and block days feel similar to a normal day.
8) Yes and no since I had pretty good teachers but i also needed a schedule change.
9) No, I came here because of my mother.
10) No, I’m looking forward to senior year so I can graduate.
Kimberly Vella (Sophomore)

1) I like helpful teachers and dislike teachers that chose favorites.
2) My favorite class is chemistry and my favorite teacher is the person who teaches my chemistry class, Mr. Macko.
3) My chemistry class is my most exciting class because of labs and experiments.
4) I like Lincoln because its fun,has friendly people and has expressive people.
5) It will probably take me a month to adjust.
6) The quad, it’s where all my friends hang out.
7) I like the new schedule because i have my only my favorite classes on one day, I can’t think of any changes I would make to the schedule.
8) Yeah I like the classes I got because of the teachers.
9) I live close to Lincoln so I went here because of that.
10) I am looking forward to this year and I’m excited for the next few years as well.
Aiden Fleury (Freshmen)

1) I like kind teachers and dislike old teachers.
2) My favorite subject is media arts and my favorite teacher is Mr. Resz.
3) My animation class has been exciting and it intrigues me.
4) I’m enjoying Lincoln so far and the students are friendly.
5) I have pretty much adjusted already.
6) Next to the pit since it’s calmer there.
7) I kind of like the new schedule, but I wish advisory came after the last class on block days.
8) I like the classes I got since my teachers are not overly strict.
9) I came to Lincoln for its variety and sports.
10) Yes I am since I had a positive start.

Kalea Kaui (Freshmen)
1) I like how they encourage us to try hard. I dislike when they give too much homework or homework on the weekend.
2) My favorite subject is science because my teacher is really fun and everything we’re doing in class so far.
3) My classes haven’t really been exciting yet. I am looking forward for the interesting moments though.
4) Lincoln is very different from Hoover. I like how we get lockers so we don’t have to carry anything around, but dislike all of the tall people walking around me.
5) It might take another week because I already know most people, but I need time to get to know others.
6) My favorite place on campus is the basement because older kids don’t really go down there and I see many old friends that I don’t get time to hangout with otherwise.
7) I don’t like the new schedule because I don’t like spending a long time in one class. I would change it so we get out at 2:45 like last year.
8) I like some of the classes I got because all of my teachers are nice, but I would want more classes with my friends.
9) I mostly came to Lincoln since I live like five minutes away, but also for performing arts. I am in orchestra and I play the viola.
10) I kind of just want this year to be over, yet I don’t. I want to get to get to know more about Lincoln this year, but I also want to be a junior for 2 reasons. I’ll be able older than most people at Lincoln, and my sister would be coming in as a freshman.

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