Guadalupe River Still Dry

California is in another drought and has been for a long while effecting the water system and the wildlife that relied on the flowing rivers. San Jose’s Guadalupe river is now desert dry, nothing left but the bones of the fish, garbage and dirt. San Jose’s water prices have had to go up due to the tragic drought, grasses have turned brown and stricter water laws for California have been passed. Kyle Novak, sophomore at Lincoln high school, jokingly said the drought is “not bad for the east coast, I don’t know why we don’t get some water from them.”

Most people are trying to preserve their water to maintain this drought, while some, sadly, don’t care. This river used to be home of wildlife from fish to birds and now they all fled to find a new and hopefully a temporary habitat until this drought is gone and the water is back.

A few ways to conserve water suggested by is to:

1. Odd number addresses can water their front yard on Mondays and Thursdays.

2. Even number addresses can water their front yards on Tuesdays and Fridays.

3. Fix a water leak in your house.

Records show that these past 4 years of being in a drought is the driest California has ever been since records have been kept, stated by stated by Mercury News. California is in need of a prayer for this upcoming winter to bring really heavy rain to decrease this drought. We would need about 11 trillion gallons of water to end this drought that would be about a few months of heavy rain just to see your green grass once again.