Social Studies Department Welcomes Mr.Davison
Every year, there are new faces teaching our students here at Lincoln. This year is Mr. Steve Davison’s first official year teaching Accelerated World History and also AP American History here at Lincoln High.Mr. Davison a very familiar face who subbed for the rest of the second semester for Mrs.Konegen. Mr.Davison is a local native born and raised in south San Jose. He attended West Valley College and San Jose State University.
Lion Tales asked Mr. Davison many questions and some of his responses are below.
LT: What do you look forward to most this school year?
Davison: My favorite part about being a teacher is connecting with my students beyond the classroom. I enjoy learning about my students’ backgrounds, their struggles and also their triumphs. Hopefully having a chanced to provide them with some advice and guidance to help them through the rest of their lives.
LT: Why did you chose to work at Lincoln?
Davison: I was working as a long-term substitute position here last year and I really fell in love with this school and students that go here.
LT: How has your experience with Lincoln so far?
Davison: My experience so far has been incredible. My classes all seemed to be filled with talented and eager young minds ready to seize the day and get most out of every second of life.
LT: Why did you choose to become a teacher? Was there a specific moment when you, decided or have you always known that this was the career that you wanted.
Davison: I became a teacher because I feel that my unique life experiences would make a truly beneficial mentor to my people whether it has to do with life outside of school or something about the material we just covered, I feel that I can relate and connect with my students, provide them with guidance and knowledge that they really need. My decision on becoming a teacher was when I first started college, I discovered my passion for history, the eagerness to let everyone know about all the great stories that history has to offer.
LT: For any students that are debating whether or not to be teachers, what advice do you have for them?
Davison: Teaching is a job for people that want to do it, the ones that are motivated. If you love connecting and teaching people certain things it may be a good fit. But if having summer’s off your only motivation you should consider something else.
Lastly, we asked Mr. Davison if he had any sort of quote or writing that made a change or impact on his life.
Davison: “Fortune favors the bold.”
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