Homecoming: A Night By The Nile
Last week on Friday, November 20th we had our annual Homecoming Ball. This year San Jose High hosted the event at one of their gyms, in which the theme was “A Night By The Nile”. Both rivals came together to have a fantastic time, before they compete against each other for the Big Bone on Thanksgiving, November 26th.
Sadly, one of the downsides was the choice of music. Many students complained about the music choice that the DJ picked out for the night. Also the amount of sweat in the walls, there was so much humidity throughout the gym that the sweat from the walls were dripping off into the floor.
What made this night successful was the total of people who showed up to the dance. At Lincoln we sold a number of 500 tickets, that was only here at Lincoln. Overall the night was pretty successful, it looked like the students were having a great time as they dance the night away!

William Quevedo is a junior attending Abraham Lincoln High school in San Jose, California. William lives at home with both his parents, two younger brothers,...
Yamile Alvardo is a junior at Lincoln high school. She was born in San Jose, California but spent most of her childhood living in Los Angeles. Through...