Editor’s Choice: Top 10 Favorites of 2015
First semester is quickly but sadly finally coming to an ending. Lion Tales was quite the challenge this semester. Our 2015/2016 Staff reporter’s were almost all new to Lion Tales. Getting the hang of posting stories weekly and interacting with our fellow classmates was at first difficult for some. We hope that all our Staff reporter’s enjoy their winter break and come back ready to finish the school year off strong! Along the way we’ve recognized all the hard work our Staff reporter’s have put into this semester but there were 10 stories that stood out the most to our editor’s the most. Here they are:
10. Homecoming: A Night by the Nile

This was a memorable night for students who attended homecoming especially for the 2016 graduating senior class.
9. Scholarships: Pay your way to College

This story is very important for upperclassmen to see the different ways they can get money to go to school.
8. How Instagram Was Used for Evil

This was a very unfortunate situation that caused chaos around our school and community and the young victims harmed by this.
7. OPINION: Enough is Enough

There has been a mass shooting everyday in the united states and this must stop. It can happen anywhere to anyone and at Lincoln we must be cautious on how we handle these types of situation.
6. Big Bone 2015: Photo’s from Lincoln’s 18th Consecutive Win

This was a very popular story for our community and especially the varsity football team and coaches. BONE STAYS HOME!
5. Football Recap: Lincoln vs. Westmont

This story was a very fun and popular one amongst football players and cheerleaders playing against a good team who gave Lincoln’s varsity team a run for their money. But lincoln came out on top!
4. VIDEO: 2015 Big Bone Rally

This was a great video created by our journalists Jocelyn Insurriaga and Alyssa Bueno. It shows how much detrmaintion our football players have to keep the BONE HOME again!
3. Xanadu: Behind the Scenes
This was a very successful play at Lincoln. Many students enjoyed working behind the scenes and during the live performance.
2. Misunderstood: Dress Code Reality

This was a favorite among the editor’s Mahad Hangol and Gaby Hernandez because it got students to finally speak up about how they feel about the dress code.
1. PHOTOS: Park Chalk Art Festival

This story was a favorite among the community. Many people got to show off their wonderful art and it was a great experience for the people who got to show their art off.

Gaby Hernandez is a senior at Lincoln high school. This is her second year in journalism and can't wait to take on the role of being one of the editor's....

Mahad Hangol is a senior at Lincoln High School. This is my second year in journalism and I now have became an editor. I really enjoyed journalism last...

Ronald Demetriades was born in Florida and moved to California in early 2013. The move was easy for Ronald because of the hospitality from the people of...