Students Apply Themselves to College Application Process

It’s the season where seniors start pulling their hair out because of stress. The deadlines for college applications are getting closer and closer, and some deadlines have already passed. However, the most difficult part of this process is putting everything together.
“The process is really long and stressful but GearUp helped,” said senior Jennifer Aguirre. Gear Up tries to help anyone and everyone who is applying for college. When applying for college you need to meet the A-G requirement, create a resume, get letters of recommendations and investigate your financial aid options.
The A-G requirements in this process is the number of academic and elective classes one takes during their high school years. Some examples are, 4 years of English, 2 years of History, and 1 year of Visual or Performing Arts. However, requirements for CSU, UC and other community colleges may vary. Also, SJUSD has its own additional requirements, which are Drivers ED, First Aid, Algebra certificate, 40 Hours of community service and passing the CAHSEE.
Another requirement is having teacher recommendations. Not all colleges and universities need letters of recommendations. Any teacher that a student has had during their High School career can write a recommendation.
Another part of the process of applying for college is having to look into financial aid and scholarships. Scholarships are money given to students who are successful in a specific class, sport, or cause. For example, last year, a student was given a scholarship by Brown University because of her excellent athletic skills shown on the baseball field.
Students start filling out financial aid on January 1st and the deadline is on March 2nd. Gear Up and the Career Center are always open to aid students regarding scholarships. There are workshops available for students and parents to fill out financial aid forms. On January 23rd, there will be a parent night with information about financial aid. And on February 12, there will be a workshop called “Cash for College.”
The deadline for applications for UC and CSU was on November 30, but deadline dates are different for other schools. Before break, seniors are trying to get everything done. Career counselor Mr. Mora said, “Start getting prepared now, as soon as your freshmen year. Everyone is welcome to come in and get help.”

Ana Palma was born on August in Santa Clara County. She is a junior at Lincoln High School, class of 2015. She spent most of her childhood living with...