SBAC Test: Details and More Details (4/18/16 – 4/29/16)
Lincoln’s campus will be having a special block schedule after Spring Break on April 18- April 28 due to the SBAC Test. The SBAC test are the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) tests that replaced the California Standardized Tests (CSTs). All 11th grades are participated in taking the SBAC which stands for Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.
Tuesday through Friday, students will take 3 classes per day and spend 120 minutes during each class. Every student will take the SBAC when they arrive to their US History and English classes. Students will be tested everyday of the week except Mondays. Students will complete the Math section during week number 1 then English section in week number 2.
When students reach their US History and English classes, they will take the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and the Performance Task (PT). During week 1 on April 18- April 22 you will be taking both the Math Computer Adaptive Test and Math Performance Task. During week 2 on April 25- April 29 you will be taking both the English Computer Adaptive Test and the Performance Task.
Here is a link for you to give a clear understanding of how test may appear and gives you both the basic test and pause rules. These tests are very important, it may earn you an exception to a California State University (CSU) and participates you in a California Community College (CCC) English/Math placement test that is required as a freshman, so take it serious!
If you do well in this test it can benefit you skills for senior year. The results will be mailed in the summer, scores will be balanced from 4 through 1, 4 being the highest and 1 being the lowest score. A score of 4 exempts students from taking the (CSU) and participating (CCC) placement test, and you will be able to move directly into college level courses upon enrollment. A 3 encourages to take appropriate courses in their senior year in order to move directly to college level courses. A 2 and 1 you need to retake the SBAC test. If you decide to release the results for CCC and CSU, the results will not be used for admissions, but to determine how students score on the Early Assessment Program (EAP). The EAP provides students with an a early idea of their college intelligence in English and Math starting their senior year by telling students if they do well they can get in early start in college. The goal of the (EAP) program is to have California high school graduates enter the (CSU) fully prepared to begin college-level study.
In addition, a raffle will be going on with prizes like a 32” flat screen TV to students with great attendance and performance. At the end of the week, student’s test administrators will give you 2 raffle tickets, but only if students have completed each section of the test and gave it their best effort. Make sure to bring earphones/earbuds, during parts of the test.

Jesse Ruiz was born and raised in San Jose, California. He is a Senior at Lincoln High School. He likes listening to music and playing sports. This is...