Class of 2016 Grad Nite: Fundraisers, Car Show, and More
“Ready, Set, Fund-raise!”
After four years of high school our seniors in leadership have organized the perfect way to say goodbye to their friends and high school as they know it. Lincoln hasn’t had a “Grad Night” or senior class end of the year trip in many years. The trip this year is going to take place on June 2nd at 6 Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo. The senior class officers have worked with the PTSA and some senior parent volunteers to get this event up and running, and ready to for June 2nd!
The Grad Night event is open to any/all seniors at Lincoln but there is a general cost. The trip cost $80 for the first 40 people who signed up, then after that it went up to $100. The event is from 9 p.m. June 2nd to 5 a.m. June 3rd. The event includes a live DJ’s/dance areas, a Kodak photo voucher, unlimited rides/attractions, free “Grad Nite Glow Souvenir” for every student, and an included catered meal. A little bit before Winter break, a senior class meeting was held in the library where the council officials presented the choices for a Grad Night trip. They were: A cruise around San Francisco, 6 Flag Discovery Kingdom, or a school overnight lock-in. There was an anonymous online poll and the majority vote went to the 6 Flags Discovery Kingdom option for Grad Night and the senior class has gotten almost 50 seniors to sign ups/deposits for the trip. Next week (April 25-29) the senior council officers are collecting the final payment towards the trip so that every student secures their spot on the trip and then making sure everyone is paid in full.
Fundraisers for Grad Night
Along with the price of the trip that the students are paying, the trip (because of transportation) needed more funds so the senior parents and class officers came up with two main fundraisers.
Every Tuesday a pair of senior parents deliver pizza to the leadership seniors and set up a table in front of the gym. This fundraiser has been going on for about two months and has contributed a solid profit to the Grad Night funds. The pizza is sold 1 for $1 and 2 for $2, which the students after school every Tuesday chew down and help the senior class sell out every time.

On Saturday April 2, 2016 in the parking lot across from Lincoln High School the class of 2016 hosted Lincoln’s first ever Car Show as the second fundraiser. Any/all cars were allowed to enter the Car Show with a $25 entry fee that went straight to the Grad Night funds. They also rented out two food trucks to accommodate the visitors of the Car Show; a BBQ food truck and a create your own icy/slushy truck. There were other activities that were available to take part in like face painting, chalk, blacktop games, a photo booth, and just really experiencing the awesome cars!

Together the two fundraisers have raised a little over $1000 for the seniors Grad Night trip. Many of the seniors are excited and the senior parents/council officers have worked really hard to make this trip happen and Lion Tales can’t wait to hear all about it!

Jordan is a senior at Lincoln High School, who holds the position of senior class vice-president this year. She was born in San Jose, California and has...