App of the week: Geocaching

Geocaching app image

Juan A Alcala

Geocaching app image

This weeks app is Geocaching!

Geocaching is an application that uses a monthly paid subscription that displays a map of your surrounding area and the many geocaches in that area.

What is a geocache?  A geocache is a physical object hidden by another Geocaching user anywhere the user wants. The object’s  location after being hidden is uploaded to the Geocaching app and given a brief description of its surrounding location to make it a bit easier for the hunter to find.

Juan A Alclala
Geocache description screenshot.

The application is well designed to let any aged user pick up their phone and easily navigate the application with ease.

How do I find a geocache?

First you make a account and decide whether you want the premium membership or not. The subscription will cost you $10 for 3 months or $25 for a year membership. A premium subscription will allow you to access premium geocaches.

Juan A Alcala
A screenshot of the many geocaches around the San Jose area

You will be greeted by a map of your area that shows the geocaches near you.

Juan A Alcala
A face symbolizing the finding of a geocache.

After reading the description on this geocache we head to out to find it.


Juan A Alcala
A closed geocache found by Lincoln lion tales.

The geocache was well hidden. Inside geocaches you will find a log to sign and a couple of goodies you can take, you can also put things in for other people to have.

Juan A Alcala
A open geocache found by Lincoln lion tales.

Geocaching gets a 8/10 for being well laid out and easy to use.

The Positives: Geocaching is an amazing application that encourages people to go out and explore their surroundings.

The negatives: the paid subscription scares people away due to not everyone being able to afford it.

The free account doesn’t give you much variety.

Check it out here!