ASB Elections: It’s Your Time To Vote!
Associated Student Body (ASB) elections are now taking place. ASB is the gateway to a student’s voice. All the decisions for rallies, dance themes, and school budget are chosen by students who are elected to the positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. It’s time for you, Lincoln students, to elect the candidate you think will represent the school, ASB, and your voice.
Voting starts May 4th at 7 am and ends May 5th at 5pm.
Go online to
Log in with your ID Number, first name, last name and grade.
You can also vote via text to (260)407-9340. Begin your message with your ID Number.
“For example: a voter with ID number 97678 voting for choice 2 would send the message 98678 2.”
We reached out to all candidates and provided the responses given.
Candidates running for Leadership Roles:
Maya Lee running for Senior President
Kaitlyn Scandia for Junior President “I wanted all the students in my class to feel included in activities, I wanted to be able to reach out to people not everyone talks to and make them feel like they could participate in anything they want.”
Kayla Saukitoga for Junior Vice President
Rachel Rivera for Sophomore President “I want to make a difference in my community so that my class can become more engaged within the school and I can lead my class to success.”
Ellie Guenkrt for Sophomore Treasure “I enjoy the leadership class, and would like to contribute more than just being a commissioner.”
Blake Panion for ASB Vice President “I’m promising them not to just improve our own school, but to also get in touch with the schools around us.”
Miyu Nakajina for ASB Secretary “By being on ASB, I know that I tried my best to leave Lincoln better than when I came in, to leave Lincoln knowing I made an impact on at least one person leaving a legacy behind.
Marko Coza for Sophomore Vice President
Atzin Galvan for ASB Treasurer “Let’s make this a year to treasure by voting for me, thank you!”
Alondra Esquivel for ASB Vice-President
Nathania Precido for ASB President
Faith Jones for ASB President
Cecilia Madrigal for ASB President “This campaign I’m running isn’t just for myself, it’s for everyone. You’re the ones voting. Help me make the changes to improve Lincoln High School.”
Starr Lopez for Senior President

Amarantha Vazquez is a junior at Lincoln high school. She is part of the Lincoln cheer team. She also enjoys being part of Lincoln’s large dance program....

Jacob was born in San Jose, California. He will be attending his first year at Lincoln high school. He enjoys playing football and baseball. Jacob has...