Lincoln Students Pitch Tech Ideas For San Jose Mayor
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and Nextflex executive director Dr. Malcom Thompson stopped by Lincoln today (November 10, 2016) for a presentation from Mr. Alpers AP Capstone class. Two groups of students–the Pandas and the Bears–gave a presentation for product ideas incorporating Nextflex, a company that manufactures flexible hybrid electronics.
The Pandas (Marlowe Aguila, Devon Perez, Heraldo Velasquez, and Eugene Vo) pitched an idea for a patch that would stick to your skin, calculate your drug and alcohol levels, and automatically send the data to your phone via Bluetooth. This product would be most useful with police departments, rehabilitation centers, and the military. It could also sell to individuals recovering from substance abuse. The Drug Test Patch is projected to sell for at 5 dollars per individual patch, but will only cost a little less than 2 dollars to produce, allowing for a large margin of profit.
The Bears (Ya Su, Timothy Pantiga, Miyu Nakajima and Marco Aguila) proposed an idea for an athletic tape, named Therapeutic Injury Monitoring Tape, that would monitor your internal injuries then send updates to an app on your smartphone; the product is called Therapeutic Injury Monitoring (T.I.M.) Tape. Depending on your injury, you can add heat to your injury or cool it down, all from your smartphone. It also monitors the severity of your injury to prevent unnecessary and costly trips to the hospital. This product is targeted at athletes ranging from high school all the way to the Olympics. The product is also aiming to collaborate not only with Nextflex but with KT athletic tape, opening the margin for profit to increase dramatically.
After presenting, every individual received a framed certificate of completion and a standing ovation. Mayor Liccardo wrapped things up in a very hopeful light–even in this week of political crisis for many people–by reminding the students that they are the future and success is very achievable through hard work.
Stay tuned for many photos to come!

Hazel Stange is a Senior now at Lincoln High School. She is the President of Lean In, the women's empowerment club on campus. As a avid political activist...