Finals Are Coming, Are You Ready?
2016 fall semester final examinations will occur December 21-23. Study up! (Daniel Perez / Lincoln Lion Tales)
This is a big time for all Lincoln students because final examinations are incredibly important. The test week, December 21 -23, is going to be very intense for everyone, especially for students that have trouble studying and want to raise their grades. Finals can have a huge impact on the overall grades of all students. Therefore, they will have to make up their minds to save a lot of time to study and prepare for the week.
But how can students be successful? That’s the main concern for everyone, so here are some tips that students can follow to concentrate for the finals!
- Leave the phones away while studying because as we all know phones are the biggest distraction for mostly everyone and trying to leave it for a few hours would help a lot.
- Staying after school for homework center is a great opportunity for students to go there and study or work on important things for any subject in general its a great advantage, as students stated ”studying at school is a lot more effective than at home” they think its true because at home students don’t concentrate as well.
Students should definitely save time to study as hard as possible to get the best results for all 6 classes but it will not be easy without a huge effort, because the finals cover everything that has been already learned since the beginning of school year, therefore teachers will restudy lots of lessons and they will have study guides for everyone to practice and focus on the main points, therefore hopefully students will be successful.
Finals Schedule
Periods 0 & 7 : Monday. & Tuesday (Dec 19-20)
Daniel Perez Cabrera was born in Bogota, Colombia. He has lived in the United States for almost two years. Daniel is a freshman at Lincoln High School...