UPDATE: Nextflex and Lincoln Collaboration Impresses Mayor Liccardo

On November 11th, students from Lincoln’s AP Capstone Seminar class, in collaboration with Nextflex—a company that manufactures flexible hybrid electronics—pitched innovative tech ideas to San Jose mayor, Sam Liccardo. Mr. Liccardo was impressed by the students, listening carefully during each of the presentations and presenting advice when he thought necessary.

(Nancy Stephenson / SJUSD) Students make last minute preparations before presenting.


(Nancy Stephenson / SJUSD) Sam Liccardo, back row center, and Brynt Parmeter, left, present certicificates of completion to the AP Capstone Seminar class.

A couple days ago Lion Tales reached out to Brynt Parmeter, director of workforce development at Nextflex, to see how student collaboration would affect the innovative company in the future. Brynt’s response to the email was impressively quick, despite his busy schedule.

“We are now working to expand the program…we are also working with other school districts to have the program available to other students across the Bay Area.” Brynt’s infectiously kind demeanor shined when he said, “I hope we get to a point someday where every student has the opportunity to participate in this program and learn the amazing worlds of entrepreneurship and advanced manufacturing technologies.”

As an employee at a very fascinating company, Brynt himself is just as cool.

“I spent a long time in the Army and always liked helping people through tough training programs…I wanted to take this training from the Army and help apply it to technology.”

Lincoln is very grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such an impressive company, and show off our abundant student talent.