Snapchat App Review

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As the year comes to an end, a certain app has become one of the years hottest trends. Snapchat is the name several students know a lot about this app, but a few may not.
What is Snapchat you may ask? Well, Snapchat is an app that allows you to snap a photo or a short video of yourself/others doing random funny things and sending them to your friends. It’s like picture texting.
One of the awesome features Snapchat has is once the viewer is done looking at your sent Snapchat it disappears and there is no way to retrieve it once it disappears. Before you send your Snapchat in the bottom corner there is a clock icon and you can decide how long you want the viewer to look at your image for.
The max is about 10 seconds. If the person viewing your Snapchat takes a “screenshot” of your photo it quickly notifies you once the screenshot is takes.
Another pretty cool feature Snapchat has is it has a color palette that offers you a few different colors and you can paint on the photo you take of yourself.
Snapchatting has become really popular around Lincoln’s campus. It is also a hit around the world. You can Snapchat friends or family that live in different countries or cities.
Snapchat is a really addictive and fun app. It’s one of the top selling apps on today’s market.

Haley Duarte, born March 23, 1997 in San Jose California. She graduated junior high school in the year of 2011 and became a part of the Lincoln family...