Senioritis is here!
Senioritis has been a controversial topic for quite some time. Whether it could be a real condition or perhaps students are just being plain lazy. Senioritis is commonly defined as “a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance”. Some of the symptoms include not wanting to get out of bed, the urge to skip your classes, lack of motivation, and even memory loss as to when assignments are due. These symptoms have been occurring to some of the students at Lincoln!
As, senior, Henry Vazquez said “ Senioritis is more of a mental challenge than anything else, it’s the looming thought of finally getting out of high school and going to an environment that you actually want to be at. To finally learn about things you care about! You won’t have to get up everyday at 6 to go to class, or stay at school for 8 hours everyday with people you don’t want to see or talk to. At the beginning of the year you’re trying to get good grades, applying to schools, but once second semester comes around you know that grades still count and that you need to work hard but it’s hard because at least for myself I’ve lost motivation”.
And he is not alone. There are countless students who feel the exact same way; that they just have to push through for just a little longer. So to all my seniors who have senioritis, you can do it! Just a couple more weeks till you’re out! Be organized, use your time wisely, and don’t forget to breathe.

Sarah J is a senior this year. She runs for the cross country and track and field team. In her free times she tends to hike, horseback ride, and plays...