“Money for Wishes” Fundraiser is HUGE Success!
Teachers furiously competed with one another, and students brought loose change from home, resulting in making the Make A Wish fundraiser, “Money for Wishes” a complete triumph. Lincoln High School raised over $3000!
In third place was Mr. Luz, whose class raised $563. His tactic was to give out donuts for donations in return. Initially, he was in fifth place with only $80, but eventually his class rose to the top three. As they say, “slow and steady wins the race.”
In second place was Mr. Christian’s fourth period class, which raised $590. His students were motivated and competitive for the win– they had money coming in even at the last minute.
In first place was Mr. Ishimoto with $655. His class found it easy to bring in loose change, and their teacher was constantly informing the students that the cause is “for the kids,” and pumping them up for the win.
A cup, vase, or jar was placed in every teacher’s classroom that had a fourth period during the fundraiser. Classes had to fill their vessel with money, and the winning class would get a pizza party. Second place would receive a surprise sweet treat.
However, halfway through the fundraiser, the club hosting the fundraiser added a third place since all the classes were doing really well and surpassed the group’s goal of $400. The prizes were changed yet again after the fundraiser ended, with all winning classes to be given pizza. The first place class, Mr. Ishimoto’s fourth period Algebra II class, will get an additional surprise prize.
Which kid ultimately receives Lincoln’s money is yet unknown, but once the club knows, they will be sure to inform the Lincoln student body which kid’s wish Lincoln’s share of money contributed to.
This being the club’s first year and first fundraiser, they are extremely content with the result and hope for all of their future fundraisers to be as successful. For Valentine’s Day, the club will be selling baked goods in the quad, so be sure to come out and support them!
Make A Wish is a non-profit organization dedicated to granting “wishes” to children who have life-threatening diseases such as cancer. A recent, popular wish became known as “Batkid.” When 5 year-old Miles Scott, who had leukemia, asked Make A Wish to allow him to be Batman for a day, the organization set up San Francisco as his city where he literally got to save people and stop corrupt things from happening. Just as so, Lincoln’s money will go to a kid with a medical problem who would like to use such a wish. The wish could be as simple as going to Disneyland, or as complex as being a superhero for a day. Learn more HERE.

Bahaar Muhar is a senior this year. Though born in Phoenix, Bahaar was mostly raised in California. Her birthday is November 8. Bahaar loves to read, travel,...