Locked Out: Delayed Locker Access
What is one thing you that comes to mind when you think of school? Classes? Books? If you said lockers, then you are like many students at Lincoln High who unfortunately have not received their lockers due to construction made over the summer.
Lion Tales interviewed various students and staff on this topic to gather info and opinions. When asked on why they haven’t received their lockers yet, Cynthia Ulloa, a student, answered “Um, all I’ve heard is that they are fixing something, like, I don’t know, the main building or, they don’t want fumes to get in our lungs. I don’t know actually. I just heard humors on what it could be.” Another senior, Kazandra Amador said “I have no idea. I’m pretty sure like, maybe, they just don’t want to give it out. Maybe freshman will take them. I’m not sure.” Staff didn’t seem to notify students as to why exactly lockers weren’t given out when they picked up their schedules or when they will receive them.

9/14/18 – Main Building student lockers. After several weeks of not having access to these lockers, students were finally able to get combinations for them.
Lion Tales proceeded asked students their opinions the delayed lockers. “I think it’s bullshit, they should have had these lockers ready for us knowing that we’re going to need to put stuff in them” said one student, “I want to get one to put my stuff in and not have my back hurt from carrying it.” It’s clear that a big portion of students are upset about not obtaining their lockers yet.
Luckily, after about four weeks, students that came to Back-to-School Night were able to pair up with a classmate, and received their overdue lockers. Seniors had priority pick on the main floor while the rest of the grades picked their lockers on the second floor and basement based on the “first come, first serve” rule.
“The reason why [the lockers] were delayed was because of construction, and the school didn’t open until the Friday before classes began.” – Jennifer Mendoza (12th Grade Counselor).
Ernie Garcia is a senior attending Abraham Lincoln High School in San Jose, California. He is a shy but extroverted person who often has a lot to say,...