2018-2019 Clubs at Lincoln High School
Abraham Lincoln High School had its Club Days for the school year on September 11th and 12th of 2018 in the quad during lunch. This year there were over thirty new clubs.
Lincoln Lion Tales reached to each club president through email to talk about their club. Here’s what they replied:
Latinos Unidos
Latinos Unidos is a club dedicated to represent, educate and form community at Lincoln High School. Sinai Dimas, club president, says “we would like to bring light on important issues that affect our Latino Community and how as young adults we can make a change.”

Class of 2021
Class of 2021 is a club for sophomores who want to participate in and plan their Big Bone skit. They help build a unified class. The club president, Amber LaFranboise, says that they want everyone to feel welcome and connected with their peers. “We want Class of 2021 to be the best class we can be!”
Acts of Random Kindness (ARK)
Have you ever wanted to be more positive and spread that positivity around school? Jackie Ramirez, club president of Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) says that this club is all about finding a way to make high school a more positive experience for all students. She says, “We uplift every student by spreading love and positivity through the campus by events and fun activities.” You also are able to receive community service hours.
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society focuses on helping the music community here at Abraham Lincoln High School. Mari Williams says that they volunteer at every concert and motivate collaboration between music classes.
Anime Club
Guzel Abdubek says that Anime Club is about watching anime and reading manga. “We also encourage creations by people inspired by anime.”
Lab Rats
Lab Rats, ran by Johnathan Le, is all about encouraging excitement in all STEM related fields, but especially in science. Johnathan says, “We’re hoping to give students a chance to make science a bigger part of their life than just one-hour long class.” Throughout the year, they will be doing a lot of experiments and investigations into the workings of process spanning all of the major scientific disciplines, and “hopefully even an engineering- based project.”Between the projects, they will also be discussing the new scientific methods and how they can affect the future.

Medical Leaders of Tomorrow
Medical Leaders of Tomorrow is a club on campus that meets every Friday at lunch. Alaina Heeren says that they do volunteer work at hospitals, host guest speakers, and raise money for medical research around the world. “We’re all interested in pursuing a career in the medical field and everyone is welcome.”
Lean In
Ava Fein says that Lean In is for anyone that wishes to come in. It focuses on educating people about women in leadership. “We hope to replace common perceptions with facts that tell us what’s really going on. Our other objective is to preregister voters to allow every high school student to cast a vote and have a voice.” Lean In invites you to join their circle for conversations, community service, and a better understanding of the world we live in.
French Society
Co-President, Ingrid Alkire, says that French Society is about educating people about France and French culture. “We strive to get people more interested in learning/taking French at Lincoln, as people are not taking French as much in recent years.” They hope to get more people enrolled and interested about French at school.

Interact Club
Interact (stands for International Action) Club is a rotary international sponsored organization, that places an emphasis on “service above self.” As a club, they carry out projects based on community service, international understanding, and club service. They have hosted local benefit shows, and charity dinners in order to fundraise towards local and international community projects, while developing leadership skills, and meeting new friends. Jasmine Nguyen says, “Interact is a family, committed to one another, committed to kindness, and our passion for service shows no bounds. Built to explore, Built to serve!”

From left to right: Katelyn Hout, Jasmine Nguyen, Matilda Ortiz, and Sakura Del Rosario. (Andrea Herrera / Lincoln Lion Tales)
National Art Honor Society (NAHS)
They are a community service based club that works to incorporate art throughout the school and the community. Zoe Quon says, “the events we participate in are a great way to get community service hours and spend time with fellow artists. We meet every Wednesday during lunch in room 52.” They welcome artists of every skill!

Tree Huggers
Tree Huggers is a recycling club that hopes to put together a recycling team at Lincoln. As of right now there are recycling bins in most of the classrooms but, at the end of the day, they all get thrown away into the same dumpster. Jeffrey Schmelzer says, “My idea with the club was to go around from class to class on a specific day and collect all of the recycling from the bins and take it to a recycling plant. We are also planning various recycling related fundraisers and community service events.”
Hope and Healing
Hope and healing centers mainly around providing a safe space for teens struggling with mental health and spreading mental health awareness. The club president, Jessica Carothers explains, “I feel as though mental health is something that gets over looked in our society. With the club, we hope to have people embrace mental health rather than push it away.”
Although Lincoln Lion Tales reached out to every club president, unfortunately, not all of them replied via email before this was published. Here are the other clubs that are going to be active this school year, that did not reply to our request:
Asian American Club
Black Student Union
College and Career
Chess Club
Class of 2019
Class of 2020
Class of 2022
Computer Club
Friday Night Live
Key Club
Lincoln Travel Club
Math Club
Mermaid Club
Photography Club
Queer Student Union
Youth for Hope
Youth Led by Christ
Video Games: E-Sports
Andrea Herrera is from San Jose, California. She was born on October 1st. She is currently in her junior year of high school at Lincoln High. She enjoys...