AP Test for only 5 Dollars!
Do not forget to sign up for the Free Meal Application due Wednesday, September 19, 2018!

In the classrooms you may have already seen those signs which say “AP Exam Free Reduction Initiative.” If you have an AP class yourself, your teacher should have introduced you to that process. Basically this paper says, that you should sign up for the Free-Reduced Price Meal Application, regardless of your family income. Which means you should ask the school for free meal, even if you can afford it. Even if you are not accepted, you only have to pay 5 Dollars for the AP Test at the end of the school year, instead of paying 95 Dollars. The rest of the 95 dollars will be paid by the school.
So why does the school do that? Just to be nice? No, of course not. The school gets money from the government. And they get more money if they have more applications for free lunch, even if the people are not accepted. So, the school wants all the people to apply for the free lunch and the school gets more money.
In return for it they will pay a huge part of cost of the AP Tests, because now they can afford it. So now you will may think again: Why does the school do that? To be nice? So that everybody is able to take the AP Test? Yes, of course, that is part of it, but it wouldn’t make sense for the school, if there wouldn’t be any profit out of it.
And of course there is. The money they get more from the government is way more than the school has to pay for the AP tests. You can think about that whatever you want, but why would anybody complain, if it has an advantage for them?
However, Lincoln Lion Tales talked to AP students and AP teachers to find out what they think about all of this. Ms. Robey told us, that she thinks, that it was important, that everybody has the opportunity to take the AP test for only 5 Dollars, and if you don’t fill out the application you miss the chance to save 90 dollars.
We also talked to senior Miles Gonzalez, who has four AP classes, and he told us that it is a relief for him that he only has to pay 5 dollars a test now, and that all the teachers tell their students about it, because he didn’t know before, and now his parents can safe 360 Dollars, which is kind of a lot.
But however, if you have an AP class, do not forget to fill out the application by Wednesday, September 19, 2018! If it is at a later time, it will not work anymore, so make sure to tell all the parents and students. You can sign up for it at the online meal application at the website of San Jose Unified District. Do not forget about it!
Jennifer Schwarz is an exchange student from Germany in 10th Grade. She loves to read and write, so she chose Journalism. Beside of that she also enjoys...