2nd Harvest Food Bank: Helping the Community
On the 22nd of September, Lincoln hosted the Second Harvest Food Bank for the sixth time since its beginning in April of 2018. Kelly Phillips, Lincoln’s Activities Director and person responsible for bringing Second Harvest Food Bank to Lincoln High School, said, they started this event “just so that we could provide food for our family, for the Lincoln community, and the surrounding community like Hoover, and Trace.” Hoover and Trace are a middle school and elementary school respectively, and they are just a street away from Lincoln.
The food bank was from 9 am to 11 am and the staff consisted of volunteers that were students and participants of the community.

One volunteer, Mrs. Cortéz , who has helped in the Second Harvest Food Bank since the beginning said, “Yes I love it…I love being with Mrs. Phillips here.” Mrs. Cortéz, who really enjoys helping the the community, also said, “Its for the community because there is a lot of people who are there in need.”
Mrs. Phillips, who seemed to be enjoying the event also said, “I love it because I just love to serve other people, you know, here is our chance to give back.”
Interested in helping out? “We will take any volunteers anytime,” Mrs. Phillips said, “…so come down and do this, fourth Saturday of every month…its for the community, anyone in the community, whether they go to any of the schools or not, but definitely Trace, Hoover, and Lincoln.”
The next food giveaway is scheduled for the fourth Saturday in the month. Next month, this will make the date of the next event Saturday, October 27th.

Isidro Vargas is a Senior. Born and raised in San Jose California and has attended Lincoln High School all four years. This is his first year in Journalism...