Battle of the Dances: Glow Up vs. Baile Forever
Friday, March 8, 2018, there were dances at Pioneer and Lincoln. One of these dances was the Glow Up Dance which was hosted and being held by Lincoln. The other was the Baile Forever Dance which was hosted by Pioneer Latinos Unidos Club which invited Gunderson, Lincoln, Willow Glen and Pioneer High School students to attend. Lincoln Lion Tales wanted to find out which dance Lincoln students liked more and therefore interviewed some students who attended the dances. Here are their responses:
Josely Resendiz, a Sophomore at Lincoln, attended the Glow Up Dance and she estimated that 70-80 students attended the dance. She really enjoyed the photo booth but didn’t like the DJ because he “sucked.”
She noticed that there were students that were students standing and sitting and said that “most looked mad because of the music playing.” To her there were some good songs but others were “what are you even playing,” she preferred the homecoming DJ.
Josely thinks that other schools attending and better music could have made the dance better. When asked which dance she thought was better she said the Baile Forever, since she saw some videos on social media and some friends were telling her it was exciting, to her that seemed like a different experience and better music.

Another student who attended the Glow Up Dance was Robert Santos, a Junior at Lincoln. Robert estimated that around 80 people attended the dance. Sadly, he said “I’ve never seen such little amount of people.” Robert thinks that only 80 people attended since there was another dance going on as well. He thinks that the music was not good at all, outdated, “wack,” and some students were just standing.
To Robert, the dance would have been better if there was better music and more students because he did not like the dance at all. Another alternative could have been having the dance held back and not have both dances the same day. Lincoln Lion Tales asked Robert which dance he thought was better and he said the Baile Forever Dance since he saw stories on Snapchat and knew there were more people.

A Sophomore who attended the Baile Forever Dance was Catherine Lopez. Catherine said that around 50 students attended the dance. Maybe the amount was only 50 since the dance was not advertised that early on and the fact that the posters posted could not really be seen and they were only on the Main Building upstairs at Lincoln. She said that the music was fine and just ok. Everyone was practically dancing and students that were tired of dancing were the ones that stood.
Catherine really liked the tacos that were being sold but she did not like the fact that it was hot. She thinks that she might have enjoyed the dance more if different music was being played like a more known banda. Overall Catherine thinks the Baile Forever Dance was better since she thinks more students attended and because that is the type of music her and her friends tend to listen to.
Another student who attended the Baile Forever Dance was Sarai Castillo, a Sophomore at Lincoln. Sarai saw around 50 students and thinks only that many attended because not a lot of people were involved in making it a big dance. She saw a lot of people dancing and thinks that in the beginning the music was not that good since it was a DJ, but later the Banda put better songs.

What she really liked was the music since that is the type of music she listens to. She did not like that it was a small space. Sarai thinks the dance could have been better if it was at a different location and more people attended. When she was asked which dance she thought was better she said the Baile Forever Dance since there were more people and better music.
Based on the information that Lincoln Lion Tales received, the conclusion is that the Baile Forever Dance might have been better than the Glow Up Dance.
Next time, more students should attend the dances, and they should also be advertised more.
Let us know what you think in the comments!
She is seventeen and a senior this year she has also gone to Abraham Lincoln High school for the past four years. She has lived in San Jose for sixteen...