Navigating the School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
The School Accountability Report Card is a report published by the California Department of Education annually. Lincoln has one, here. If that isn’t enough, there is also a California Physical Fitness Report here.
The SARC is broken down into several categories, to help with easier navigation. The Department of Education’s (DoE) Dataquest website has a drop-down bar to navigate with. Some of the data is further broken down into racial groups on both sites. If there are less than ten people being tested (such as the Pacific Islanders) the results are obscured to preserve anonymity, and because the small sample size would introduce a significant margin of error. Some of the graphs could use clarification.
Reading through the SARC is informative, but not the most exciting thing in the world. But there’s graphs, which can be bars or lines, and can be accessed by clicking on the little buttons in their top-right corners.
There is a picture of our principal, Mr. Hewitson, on the introduction page of the SARC website. It also helpfully contains a Google map in the corner with Lincoln’s location.
Some of the words are blue, underlined links. They helpfully lead to related sites, also by the DoE. It’s a great chance for inquisitive young minds to feed their thirst for knowledge, graphs, and knowledgeable graphs. While this is a helpful resource, be aware that it may consume large amounts of your time, while you follow links to more things. It’s a slim chance, but it could happen. Maybe. It happened to me.
If you get tired of reading it in English, there is a translate button. Also powered by Google, it allows you to read it in another language, like French or Spanish.
Go check it out. It’s the beans.

Nick Zandbergen is the one who reads through the archives hunting for typos and throws an eerily accurate Frisbee.