Graduation Requirements: A Modest Proposal?
The seniors of 2013 graduate.
A new change may possibly be hitting Lincoln’s campus next year. The current graduation requirement for credits is a mandatory 240 credits, but this new proposal will change it to 210 credits.
This idea started at the district office and was proposed by the Superintendent. Why make this change? Well, the graduation rate will likely rise, due to the reduced number of credits required. It will possibly make it easier for certain seniors to graduate despite having failed some classes in the past.
The proposal states, “In an effort to provide 21st century skills to all students and close the opportunity gap, a redistribution of credits required for graduation to 210 is being proposed.”
“This is not a for sure idea. It is just a proposal.” says Mrs. VanLaarhoven, Assistant Principal of Curriculum.
Ms. Zeller, another member from the district office, is involved in this proposal idea. She is one of the directors at the district office and acts as a spokeswoman for the proposal.
This proposal will bring positive change because it will make it easier for the senior class to graduate on time, but it also could be potentially negative because many of the credits students drop will come from elective credits. Therefore, some elective choices could possibly be dropped.
This proposal has several pros and cons. Students will have to wait and see if it will pass or not.

Haley Duarte, born March 23, 1997 in San Jose California. She graduated junior high school in the year of 2011 and became a part of the Lincoln family...