Voting in 2020
Voting in 2020 is much different than voting 5 years ago. Citizens of the United States can go to their local voting station to vote for your next president. But how exactly can you vote? As a highschooler, once you turn 15 you can pre register for the next round of candidates (every 4 years). Voting form registrations are available everywhere, in DMV’s and local voting stations. Voting centers are available to anyone who lives inside the county. Compared to voting centers 30 years ago, you were only allowed to vote at the voting center available within your local neighborhood.The voting form asks about everything such as your social, name, age, and general questions about you as an american citizen they also ask you what your political party so you can fill out the form. Mr. Adas encourages everyone in his AP government class to vote as you should to help make a difference in the country you live in(questions for adas here). Right now, there is a bill going around to try to lower the voting age in California to 17 years old but that contradicts the 26th amendment to the constitution making the voting age 18 nationwide since 1971. How would you feel about voting at age 17 instead of 18? Would it be more beneficial? Or do you think that being 17 is too young to vote? Always remember to vote and support your country, voting is not a right, it’s a privilege

Mason was born in San Jose California. Mason is a big traveler and some of his favorite visits were London, Ireland, Rome, and of course, Hawaii!...

Evan Forrest is a senior at Lincoln High school. Born in mountain view and then moved to Sunnyvale Santa Clara and then san Jose where he is now. He's...