Lincoln: Still Pretty Clean
Lincoln’s campus is nearly devoid of trash. The reason for this is not mystical or surprising, but simply mundane. That reason is there a lot of trash cans. Most of them are in the quad, where disposable cafeteria dishware is handed out. There are nearly three dozen trash cans around campus. Of that three dozen, 8 are in the quad.
Mr Hewitson (Principal) said that students have really good momentum and pride, and “that if they just keep it up, the students will be fine”. Also to tell him any other rewards for keeping the campus clean.
Owen Hecksman (Freshman) said “We just don’t do that” when asked if he littered, and also said that he routinely picked up trash he found. Furthermore, he though the dance was a great way to get involved and was sad he couldn’t make it.
Ms. Berryhill (Teacher) said that Lincoln “acknowledged it more than others”, and that making the school dance free helped more people get involved.

Nick Zandbergen is the one who reads through the archives hunting for typos and throws an eerily accurate Frisbee.