Re-vote on May 15th for Senior Elections
The voting will take place again on May 15th in the Junior history classes. Not all of the positions will be voted on, however. Since some of the candidates don’t actually have anyone running against them, it’s a foregone conclusion.
Many of the ballots were filled out incorrectly, either with contradictory choices, such as both candidates at once, or in pen. Since for some of the positions it was such a close race and the difference in less than the incorrectly filled out ballots, there will have to be a re-vote.
Candidates for senior class president are Gissela Samano and Liz Saravia. The uncontested candidates running for other positions include Nelson Peña, Christian Salazar, and Johanna Hunter. New posters were seen on campus this week for Saravia, Salazar, and Peña, but not for the other two candidates.
Remember Lions, double-check your votes to make sure they’re valid!

Nick Zandbergen is the one who reads through the archives hunting for typos and throws an eerily accurate Frisbee.