Farewell To Our Senior Journalists
Lion Tales has completed its first year of being an online newspaper. Lion Tales was a major success this year, and it saddens the rest of the staff to say goodbye to our senior journalists as they prepare for the real world. Lion Tales asked all seniors what their experience was in journalism and what they learned during this journey.
Philip Cortez said he had a fun year in journalism. “I learned how to be more open, and talkative to people,” he said. Philip was part of Lion Tales’s podcast team.
Preston Adams said, “I didn’t intend on taking journalism, but it ended up being a pretty good class.” Preston, also a member of the podcast team, said he’s more of a talker than a writer. Preston learned a lot about web design.
Leticia Aguirre stated that she had a great year in journalism. “I realized I’m a better writer than I thought I was.” Leticia stated that she learned how to clean up her writing a bit more.
Brandon Hill said there were definitely some hard times but he has no regrets. He learned how to write and upload content. “When I first came in I knew nothing about posting and writing.”
George Vargas enjoyed his year in journalism. George was also part of the podcast group. “It definitely helped me talk to new people.”
Presiliano Rene Chacon said he had a pretty good year in journalism. “I learned how to be professional , and learned how to write good articles,” said Presiliano.
German Cortez stated that he had a chill/good year in this class. “I learned many things, time management, writing stories, communicate with new people, and publishing stories,” said German.
Adrian Fields said that this year in journalism wasn’t as stressful as he expected it to be.
Noah Tanquary, the Lion Tales T.A., said it was a fun experience. “I learned a lot about journalism; I felt like part of the Lion Tales team,” said Noah.

Haley Duarte, born March 23, 1997 in San Jose California. She graduated junior high school in the year of 2011 and became a part of the Lincoln family...