2 More Lions College Bound: Tucakovic and Olmos Sign Letters of Intent
Yesterday in the Lincoln gym Serena Olmos and Nedin Tucakovic signed their letters of intent to the colleges they have been accepted to.
Olmos got accepted to King University in Tennessee. Olmos says “because of wrestling it has motivated me to push myself to keep good grades. My wrestling throughout the years has been successful even though I didn’t wrestle my first year I think I’ve been really successful”
Nedin was accepted to San Diego State University. When asked what the hardest part of his high school career was, he answered “staying focused and not dropping off on my grades, staying committed to the sport and not slacking off. Just keep working.”
Coach Collins also spoke some words of encouragement to the student-athletes saying “these are two of our more accomplished athletes, not only on campus, but off campus as well.”

Congratulations on your accomplishments and outstanding athleticism, the entire Lincoln student-body is rooting for you guys!

Priscilla Hernandez was born in San Jose and is currently a junior at Lincoln. She has attended Lincoln since her freshman year and has played for Lincoln's...