Student Films Make it to Austin Film Festival
Last year, a group of students entered The Austin Film Festival. Now, they have been selected as finalists. It is a big step towards their future in filmmaking; winning this award is a big confidence booster.
One of the two films that went on to the semi-finals was “Tight Jeans And Broken Dreams.” It will be played at the festival as a part of their Young Filmmakers Short Program.
“The Curse Of The Mummy Queen” was also selected but as one of the top 6 finalists. The AFF (Austin FIlm Festival) said to the director of the film, Raphael Krigel, who graduated in 2014, “The judging was totally anonymous and you’re the only student who had two films selected. Congratulations. You should be pretty darn proud of yourself.”
The winning filmmaker will be notified prior to the Festival, and will receive two Weekend badges to the 2014 Austin Film Festival, two tickets to the AFF Awards Luncheon on Oct. 25, 2014, an AFF Award and reimbursement that can be used to pay up to $500 of one round-trip airfare to Austin to attend the 2014 AFF. AFF will put the winner up in one room for a two nights’ stay at an AFF host hotel during the Film Festival.
There were a lot of Lincoln filmmakers who were a part of these two movies. They were Pedro Davila, Alan Garcia, Yomira Perez, Joe Duncan, Luis Rueda, Kira Brashears, Andrew Perez, Brittany Ruiz, David Early, Avalon Parton, Emily Dahl, Raphael Krigel, and Jaime Suarez.
Check back soon for a link to the movie!

Nathaniel Azure is a senior here at Lincoln High School. He is in the Lincoln Lion Tales and will be covering the sports and Lincoln news beats. He was...