1950: January 13, 1950 January 20, 1950 February 3, 1950 February 10, 1950 March 3, 1950
October 29, 1954 November 5, 1954 October 8, 1954
Friday, March 3, 1950

We Won’t Stab Anyone
With the Knife of Gossip
During the past few weeks such statements as “Why not a gossip column” ; “Why doesn’t the paper have something more interesting in it?” have abounded. Yet, when we confront these people with “what would you like to see?” they have no answer.
Lion Tales is always open to constructive criticism. We, the students in journalism have a code of ethics as in any newspaper. You say the paper is for the students, but we still maintain a good appearance and good conduct and we are still offended if someone degrades our school or its activities. This is how we feel about the paper. Certainly gossip hurts someone; if not the students, the parent, or friend.
Another standard remark is “We’re investors in the paper, we should have something to say about it.” Remember, we help to pay for the music activities, but we do try to conduct the orchestra, or try to tell anyone how the choir should we directed? We help to pay for our sports activities. Did we demand that the fellows on the team revise their tactics to suit us? Why not? We own interest in them! We certainly have interest in the Yearbook, do we tell the monarch staff what they can or cannot do? It’s our right!
People on the staff have had at least two semesters of journalism, some up to six and seven, while the average person is struggling through English.
Do not misunderstand me; Lion Tales wants criticisms and compliments; which ever seems appropriate. All we ask is that you have good suggestions for what you would like to see in the paper.
Friday, March 14, 1950

March 14, 1950
First ‘Do Right Week’ Held Two Years Ago; Lincolnites Then Faced Same Problems
“Do Right Week” was formed two years ago when the problem of stolen lunches was brought to the attention of the students. A “Do Right Day” was thought of by Juanita Gibbs. Everyone was to wear school colors on this day.
A “Think” campaign was another idea. Another name was re-dedication week. Some of the points stressed in the first “Do Right Week” were: stealing of lunches; sitting in cars and the traffic problem.
This week before this week, an announcement was made over the inter-com everyday concerning these matters. There was a student panel in an assembly discussing the difference between right and wrong.
The next year ex-Lincolnite Chuck Crampton gave a serious talk to the students. Members of the advisory committee discussed the problem in each social studies classes. They were discussed what “Do Right means and the current problems which were the same as the year before. The garbage cans were painted to draw attention to them.
Friday, June 9, 1950

Tales Exchanges
The following list of the ten commandments was seen in the Berkeley Jacket and the San Marino High paper.
- Thou shalt not leave your chair to throw paper away during class. Throw it away from where you are sitting.
- Thou shalt not run down stairs. Bannisters are faster.
- Thou shalt not talk during class. Sing, it sounds better.
- Thou shalt not talk back to the teacher. Don’t talk to her at all.
- Thou shalt not ask to be excused from class. Get up and walk out.
- Thou shalt not be late for school. Don’t go.
- Thou shalt not look on another person’s paper during a test. Take it.
- Thou shalt not fall asleep in your classroom. Go to the gym, it’s more comfortable.
- Thou shalt not wear hats in class. Wear beanies, they’re cuter.
- Thou shalt not knit in class. Crochet, it’s easier.

“Bowden Runs 1:53.2 to Set New Record – May 14, 1954”

1:53.2 is the new national record in the 880 preps, which Don Bowden set last Friday night at the PAL finals.
Bowden’s time is a new National Interscholastic record in the PAL for the 880. The new time is seven-tenths faster than the former mark of 1.53.9 set by Lang Stanley in 1950. Bowden will brave three more chances to break his new national record. Don ran the first 440 in .53, and 1.21 for 660. He then slowed down and ran the final 220 in 32.2 to set the new record.
The Burlingame Panthers won the varsity title with 56 points, San Mateo took second with 48 1/2, and Lincoln took third with 38. Bob Knoth took third in the 100 and first in the 220. Hank Olguin took fourth in the 100, and then tied for third in the 220 with Tynan of Palo Alto.
Marvin Gross took second in the mile behind Roger Stephens. Stephens ran the mile in 4:30.5, a new PAL record. Jack Searfross and Houser of Sequoia tied for first in the high jump at five feet eight inches. Don Dirienzo took fourth in the shot put with a heave of 48 feet 11 inches. Wayne Thush took fifth in the broad jump. Dick Darwin was unable to compete in the pole vault because of an injury.
In the B class, Bill Ramirez took a third in the low hurdles, and Terry Antes tied for fifth in the pole vault.
Remember the NCS trials are going to be held at Fremont Saturday Night.
“Lions To Play SJ Bulldogs For Big Bone”
November 19, 1954
Next week Lincoln Lions and San Jose Bulldogs will once more be viewing for the bone. How did this trophy originate and why?
In the spring of 1944, exactly 10 years ago, Lincoln entered the PAL. When it was known that we would be playing against San Jose, a boy at San Jose went to his father’s butcher shop and got a beef bone. Both schools approved the bone as an ideal trophy, and San Jose painted it putting the score of the game played the Fall of 1943. San Jose won that game. Since then on every Thanksgiving morning the Bulldogs and Lions fight to see who will have the bone for a year. The rules concerning the trophy are:

1. The school that wins the game keeps the trophy for a year.
2. If a tie results the school that had won the bone in the previous year keeps it for another year.
3. The bone is taken to the opposing school and left there for one week, but not the week preceding the game between the two schools.
This year at half time the Lincoln band, in their new uniforms, along with our Pep Squad, San Jose’s band and Pep Squad will be working together to give a mammoth display. During half time the Lincoln rooting section will present card tricks.
“The Back Stage Team of 1955”
From Lion Tales, December 2, 1955

Stage Lighting:
The glowing lights of sunrise, the eerie shadows of the oncoming night, the bright light of the midday sun can only be created by God
These miracles can be somewhat imitated to obtain desired effects for plays and movies. The wonders of a sunset can be created by the stage-lighting crew with the aid of mechanical devices and a little concentration.
Efficient work from Abraham Lincoln High School’s stage-lighting crew will help set the scene for the Senior Play, “The Clock Struck Twelve.”
This year, the Stage-Lighting Committee will be headed by Sanford Alcorn who will be assisted by Mike King, and Joe Berkowvich.
Special Effects:
As the audience watches the Senior Play, the lights suddenly go off, a gun is fired, and a scream is heard. Does anyone in that audience realize that the actors are not doing these, but the members of the Special Effects committee are?
The requirements of a special effects man could very well be 2 heads, 4 legs, and 8 arms. These people are never seen by the members of the audience, but the members of the play could never get along without them.
The head of this committee for our Senior Play at Lincoln is Jerry Taylor. Serving under him are Jim Ford, Lucille Lillevick, and Harvey Kohs.
Five minutes ago here was an adolescent face and now it is suddenly aged to that of a withered and haggard man of 70. A young girl becomes a blase debutante and a brunette, and redhead.
Who has changed these people so much? Why, the Make-up Committee, for all our plays, of course.
For our Senior Play, “The Clock Struck Twelve,” the Make-up Committee is headed by an expert in this field, Issaac Vasquez, who will be assisted by Joanne Faraone, Judy Sabo, and Myrna Gray.
How is one made up for a certain character in a play? To show you how this is done, I will tell you how Issaac made up one person for the All-School Play last Spring. first, he slapped on a heavy, greasy cream, which smoothed out into a thin, filmy layer. Next, Issaac powdered the whole face well and began to put the lines of age in. Then the eyes were shadowed and the eyebrows and eyelashes given a glossy brown color. Issaac put plenty of rouge on for the final touch to match the wretched red hair.
It’s now twelve o’clock, midnight. The old grandfather clock gives twelve loud, echoing bongs. A scream is heard. The bannister rocks, the old stairs squeak, and another scream is heard.
Without the excellent work of the Properties committee, our Senior Play wouldn’t have the right settings, costumes, or materials which shows the play for what it should be. Wouldn’t it be funny if we had to do the play without the needed requirements? Well, Jean Zoernsch, chairman of the properties, and her crew see to it that we don’t fall into such embarrassment. Charlotte Mitchell, Dianne Dober, Gene Landis, Dick Burkes, Joe Vega, and Adolph Greeninger assist Jean in renting for the necessary equipment for the coming Senior Play.
The Costume Committee does Various thing. It makes sure that the costume is right for the period of time of the play. If a player needs a bow tie, it is the costume committee that gets it for him. They are very busy behind the scenes making sure that players have on the right costume at the right time.
The Costume Committee for the Senior Play is as follows: Diane Poggey, chairman; Barbara Wilcox, Carole Fiedcamp, Jackie Mathias, Barbara Sarment, Marjorie York, Carol White, Lorraine Johnson, and Ann McPherson.
“Floor Plan Of ALHS”
From November 13, 1953 edition of “Lion Tales”
“Drag Strip Starts Soon”
From Friday, May 7, 1954 For the past two Sundays and for many more sundays to come the Santa Clara Timing Association is holding a number o flegalized drag races. This is to cut down all street race and to make our highways safe and accident free. At the drags the competition has really been getting tough. Sunday, May 2, the top eliminator was a San Jose car. The time it was 118 miles per hour, which is not standing still. So lets win a trophy instead of a coffin, and get there and put Lincoln’s name in the paper!!
“Bowden Runs 1:53.2 to set New Record”
Friday, May 14, 1954 edition of “Lion Tales” JUST STARTING to break the strings to set a new national prep 880 record is Don Bowden. Don set the record with a time of 1:53.2. Let’s Hope that Don can go all the way and break the international record.
“Edwards Field Site of State Track Meet”
Friday, May 28, 1954 edition of “Lion Tales”
1.52:3 is Don Bowden’s new 880 record which he set last Saturday st the N.C.S. finals. This time surpasses Bowden’s own National Interscholastic record 1.53:2 which he set two weeks ago. Don ran the first 220 in 30.3 seconds. Swarthout of Willow Glen finished second, 55 yards behind the Lincoln flash. Bob Knoth took a fourth in the 220.
Jackson of Alameda was the winner, running the furlong in 21 seconds flat, a new N.C.S. record.
Jackson also ran the 100 in 9.4 in the morning to tie the national mark held by Jesse Owens. Monet Upshaw, the great hurdles and broad jumper from Piedmont, set three N.C.S. records. Upshaw ran the high hurdles in 14.5, the lows in 18.8 and broad jumped 24 feet, 9 1/4 inches. The Alameda 880 relay team, ran a 1:28.4 880 in the morning to set a new N.C.S. record.
Babka of Palo Alto won the discus throw with a heave of 138 feet, 11 7/8 inches. Dick Dailey of Hayward won the high jump with a leap of 6 feet, 4 5/8 inches. Emerson of Richmond won the 440 in 48.8, Harper of Alameda took second, and Eddie King of Salinas took third. Santiago of San Ramon won the mile in 4:32 flat. Stephens of Paly placed fourth.
In the B class two local boys set new N.C.S. records. Ron Rizzo of San Jose High threw the discus 130 feet, 1 7/8 inches while Clarence Nunes of Santa Clara ran the 330 in 36.7 for a new record. In the final team scoring Alameda won the team championship for the third year in a row, by scoring 49 points, Richmond took second with 28 points, Piedmont took third with 24 points, Burlingame took fourth with 18 1/2 points and Lincoln took eighth with 10 points.
Tomorrow at Edwards Field in Berkeley the best prep track and field stars in California will compete in the California State Track Meet, This year’s State Meet is rated as the best one ever.
Listed below are the best men in each event:
100 yard dash-Jim Jackson of Alameda, 9.4
220-Bill Swisshelm and Jackson, 20.8
440-Eddie King of Salinas, 48.7
880-Don Bowdem, 1:52
1 mile- Ty Hadley, Bellflower, 4:25.5
120 high hurdles-Dave Hollingsworth, of Taft, 14.3
180 low hurdles-Bill Swisshelm,Santa Ana, 18:7
broad jump-Monte Upsha, Piedmont 24-9 1/4
highjump-Dick Dailey, Hayward, 6’7″
pole vault-Joe Rose, Glendale, 13’6″ shot put-Dick Bronson, Grossmont, 60′ 4 1/2″
discus-Jack Egan,Balboa