Lincoln Wrestlers Qualify for State Championship

In the 2015 season, two senior male wrestlers, Ryan Olmos and Ramon Guzman, qualified to wrestle at the state tournament.

They both placed third in their individual weight class, Olmos in the 160 lbs. and Guzman in the 285 lbs. Olmos said, “It feels great, [going to state]. I have worked hard to get where I am and it feels awesome seeing the results in my wrestling; all the hard work, sweat, and pain finally paying off.”

Ryan Olmos and Ramon Guzman qualified to wrestle at the state tournament after both winning their weight classes at CCS.

“I have achieved my goals. 2015 League Champ at 162 lbs., 3rd place at CCS, and finally a state qualifier. I’ve been dreaming of qualifying for state since I was a freshman,” said Olmos.

“Honestly, I’ve only been wrestling since my freshman year. I would say a large part of my success would be the fact that I’ve done judo since I was seven years old and to all the off-season wrestling I did.”

Lion Tales asked if he had any  words for people who are trying to achieve their goals in wrestling, and he replied with,”Some wise words I would give to anybody considering wrestling is to give it your all. I would recommend off-season wrestling and lifting if you want to make it far and be successful.”

Olmos and Guzman will be traveling down to Bakersfield, California for the State Wrestling Championship and will be wrestling in Rabobank Arena on March 6-7, 2015.