Inaugural Pet of the Week: Lady

E. Ortega

(Emalie Ortega / Lincoln Lion Tales)

Is there a better pet than another?  Are bears are better than cats, or a monkey better than a fish or maybe the other way around is better to some because everybody has their own taste in animals (Note: Don’t try to lick the animal). There is a big variety of people owning pets from people who can legally owning a FREAKING TIGER! to a simple fish.

The Best?

Statistics on Google show that the most popular pet around the U.S are cats beating dogs by three to one and house holds owning dogs out number cats, so there’s a shocker for you readers. In my opinion, the reason there are more cats than dogs would probably be those crazy cat people owning like 10 cats and another litter of 18 kittens. Cats have the advantage with their agility and their size, being able to sneak around and fit through snug places, sneaking off to go chill with their neighborhood cat crew. While dogs have the disadvantage of being big, not allowing too much of agility to their K9 body. They’re extremely playful, always wanting attention and love from their owners. 

E. Ortega
(Emalie Ortega / Lincoln Lion Tales)

Types of household pets to own

In my opinion, dogs are great. They can be used as a guard or a companion and are always playful, but require a huge commitment with feeding, bathing and cleaning up after. Cats, on the other hand, can bathe themselves and are playful when they are young kittens, but as they get older they tend to get lazy and don’t move as much as their younger selves. Birds are cool to have flying around the house, but watch out for their flying bird poop. Fish are amazing to own because they can be for decorations around the house, but it is a huge deal to clean their tank. Reptiles/amphibians/snakes are also cool pets to have because chameleons have the abilities to camouflage with their surroundings or lizards can detach their tails if they need to (Don’t pull their tails!). What ever pet you choose to have, just remember there will always be commitment, and with commitment comes a loving and new family member. To me, there is no best pet just like there isn’t a favorite ice cream flavor — everyone has their own opinion.

 Pet of the Week!

This week’s pet of the week is Lady. (Emalie Ortega/ Lincoln Lion Tales)

Emalie Ortega, another reporter here at Lincoln Lion Tales, owns a Maltese Poodle and her name is Lady.  She is 12 years old, a rescue dog from Kansas. When she was young, her owners would abuse and abandon her, she is very protective and paranoid about guys. Emalie gave us this photo from Halloween last year.  “She was dressed up as a squirrel,” Emaile said.

Next Week…?

 Every week will be another pet for pet of the week. How can my pets be featured you may ask? Or maybe you may not be asking.

Its simple!

Just snap a picture of your pet then email it to along with both you and your pet’s name with some info about their life story and with what they are like.