10 Ways to Rejuvenate Yourself Over Winter Break

Thinking about winter break. (Jordan Summers/Lion Tales)
1. Sleep
- With all the late study nights, waking up early five days a week, and working hard at school for eight hours or more you should catch up on some sleep. Get back on a consecutive sleeping pattern so your body can recover and rebuild.
2. Eat Right
- As the holiday season flourishes don’t forget to take care of your health and don’t pig out! It is not a time to diet but it is also not the time to just eat pizza, cookies, and drink soda/horchata. Eat all the meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner all at reasonable times and with the main food groups so your body grows and functions to its full potential before it is time to come back to school.
3. Read
- It is your break, but why would you not want to escape into a great book? Reading can settle your mind and keep you connected with your thoughts; so when we get back to school you are a refreshed well working machine.
4. Relax
- You have worked very well this first semester between school, sports, performing arts, and extracurricular’s this is the time to kick back. Take some time for you, do what you want to do and don’t stress during this winter break.
5. Meditate
- As a teenager truly emptying your mind can be extremely difficult but it will be extremely rewarding. All the stress from finals week and the upcoming holidays, meditating will help you stay calm and centered with your mind and body. It is important to recover your center and to stay energized and happy during this winter break. Get a free trail on the Iphone app “Headspace”
6. Write 3 gratitude journals a day
- This is maybe has been a stressful year for you, but there is always something to be grateful for. Writing just three influences you are grateful for everyday will help you appreciate and inspire you to continue being the best version of you possible.
7. Journal for 2 weeks
- Just write the day away, good or bad write in a journal everyday to calm and refresh your mind. Writing helps you release the stress of a bad day or write down and keep the memories of a great day.
8. Hang out with friends
- Surround yourself with those who care about you and have some fun during your winter break. Go out and adventure or stay in and watch movies. Spending time with friends will inspire a long eventful break from school.
9. Bake for fun
- Baking or cooking can be fun and rewarding as just a time to open up your senses. You get a sweet treat and a time to have fun at home if there’s nothing to do.
10. Cuddle up with a blanket, some hot chocolate, and watch Netflix
- Spend a day in bed just for yourself and have a lazy day away from everything. Locked inside, all cozy, ready for a scary thriller or an ab crunching comedy. It has been a long first semester and sometimes taking a day to do nothing is all you need to recover from a semester full of stress.
About the Contributor

Jordan Summers, Reporter
Jordan is a senior at Lincoln High School, who holds the position of senior class vice-president this year. She was born in San Jose, California and has...