March 10th Juniors vs seniors Dodgeball game
On March 10, the Junior and the Senior class played each other in an amazing dodge ball game. The senior class wanted their last year to be memorable with all the accomplishments they have gained over the years here at Lincoln. With the back and forth battle the Juniors came out with the win in the first round. You win the game by defeating the opponent two rounds out of three. With very competitive players on both teams the dodge balls were bouncing off and slipping by many opponents. The senior count was falling quickly in round two as the junior class pulled through to win the game over the seniors. I asked a Junior Dyllen Joseph to see how he felt after beating the Seniors. He said he felt “accomplished,” and added that “we were better then them.”
The juniors, by beating the seniors, went against the teachers in the final on Friday, March 11th. You can watch round one here, and the final round here.

Jacob was born in San Jose, California. He will be attending his first year at Lincoln high school. He enjoys playing football and baseball. Jacob has...