Lincoln Students Take A knee
On September 23rd, three Lincoln students took a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice in our county. We interviewed the three: Eyob Feisa, Dyllen Joseph, and Adrian Frometa (all 12th graders) to get their perspective on the situation.

From left to right; Dyllen Joseph, Adrian Frometa, Eyob Fiesa
Taken by Hazel Stange/ Lion Tales
The athletes in question all want equality, but don’t believe African-Americans are granted it. If it’s police brutality or pre-conceived racism, all three believe it is an issue that needs to be brought to light. Until actual change is brought about, they will continue to take a knee for the national anthem.
“I don’t want to see cops racially profiling African-American males,” Eyob Feisa said when asked what he’d like to see change. All three believe nonviolent protest is the best way to go about achieve this goal. “We all have the right to believe in something and we all have the right to pursue what we believe in,” Adrian Frometa said. They want their message to be completely clear: getting change through peace.
On September 30th, the team took to protest together. Right before the national anthem began, the team lined up on the sidelines and locked arms in an attempt to follow the lead of the Seattle Seahawks and stand in solidarity. Although the team decided they should stand together, “they didn’t have to,” Said Coach collins, “ We talked about different ways we could do it and then I suggested it.” “[They’re] trying to unify and trying to have our country be a better place.”

Brandon Sullivan is a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School. This is his first year in journalism and he serves as a staff reporter. Brandon played football...

Hazel Stange is a Senior now at Lincoln High School. She is the President of Lean In, the women's empowerment club on campus. As a avid political activist...