PROFILE: Haven Olmos Strives To Pin Down State Championship
The Olmos family has always been dominant on the wrestling mat. Whether it was Michelle in 2011, or Sarena Olmos in 2012, both have won CSS as individual champions in their weight class. The question now is can the Olmos legacy become even greater?
Haven Olmos is on track to be state champion this year, after taking second place in state the previous year for the 121 pound weight class. She has also followed in her sister’s footsteps, winning CCS in 2015 and 2016. Haven is the only one in her family to have won CCS twice.

If she is successful, she will be the first one in her family to do so. Even so, the stakes are high, as this is her last year to do so. Lion Tales had the chance to interview Haven and her younger sister Mia Olmos, a Sophomore at Lincoln, about the upcoming season.
Haven’s goal is “to be a state champ,” she told us after the daily warm up. Olmos told us when asked what her emotions were for the season that she felt “very very nervous” and that “everything counts.” Olmos told Lion Tales, she believes it will difficult but nothing nothing she can’t accomplish.
“I want to see her become a CCS champion” Haven’s younger sister Mia told us. Mia is not the only one who expects that out of her sister, everyone in her family does. “They have quite a expectations for me,” Olmos said. Not only does her family expect big things from her, but so do her friends. “I can’t let them down,” she said, “this is the last year.” Everyone around Haven is expecting her to be a state champion. However this season ends, Haven will still be on the mat as she has an offer from Menlo College to wrestle.

Brandon Sullivan is a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School. This is his first year in journalism and he serves as a staff reporter. Brandon played football...