Tennis, a “fun, competitive, fast-paced” sport
Are you a current high school student at Lincoln High school?
Do you want to be like the legend, Serena Williams?
Allow tennis to be introduced.
What is tennis you may wonder? Well, tennis is a sport composed of four players, two on each side of the court. Each member of the tennis team must be equipped with a tennis racket, tennis ball, and a uniform.
Senior Elyssa Castrejon, a 17-year-old tennis player, always looks forward to trying something new and achieving new skills. Castrejon started off playing tennis with no experience whatsoever, but soon with the encouragement of her teammates and coach she and the Lincoln Lion girl’s tennis team made it to the league championships in 2020.
Castrejon began playing tennis in her sophomore year of high school, and to this day she is still part of the Lincoln Lions girls’ tennis team. Castrejon states, “Tennis is such a fun and exciting sport to play. There’s so much to learn and get better at over the years.”
She not only plays for the sake of her team but she continues to play saying, “the team and coach keep me intrigued for the next season. They are hilarious and fun to play with.”
Castrejon has an open mindset, when she describes tennis she does it as, “Fun, competitive, fast-paced.” When Castrejon thinks of tennis she does not think of stress or winning as everything, in fact, Castrejon says “I immediately think of an intense and challenging game, of the legendary player Serena Williams, of my awesome teammates and coach.” She emphasizes that the Lincoln Lions tennis team to her is not only a sport but a family too.
The Lincoln Lions girl’s tennis team is kind, and respectful to others, even to their own opponents. Castrejon’s favorite thing about being part of the tennis team is the interaction with one another. She loves how everyone gets together with positive energy to cheer on each other and invite their opponents to the game. “We cheer for everyone and have a positive and supportive fan base.” Castrejon said.
As a returning member from previous years, Castrejon is looking forward to ending the year off with Senior Night to have a “blast” and hang out with her teammates, she says, “Senior night will be memorable and festive as most of us started tennis as a new sport and found a connection through that.”
Castrejon was once a new member of the team, and is now looking forward to ending the year with many of her teammates, if you’re interested to join check out their home or non-home games, and come support our Lincoln Lion tennis girls!
“We are competitive in the new league. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to try it. It’s fun for everyone and all levels of experience are welcome.” Castrejon said.

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