VIDEO: 2015 Big Bone Rally features Disney/Pixar skits

Lion Tales attended the Big Bone rally on Wednesday, November 25, 2015. The rally lasted roughly an hour and consisted of the following: Lincoln band playing, class and teacher themed dance/skits, convertible and cheer performances, and varsity football announcements. As the last few students crowded the bleachers, the announcers started the chant, “BIG BONE STAYS HOME! BIG BONE STAYS HOME!” and the chant rambled throughout the bleachers.

The performances were as followed: Freshman class performed a “Finding Nemo” dance and skit, the Sophomore class performed a “Monsters Inc.” skit, the Junior class performed a “The Incredibles” skit, the Seniors performed a “Toy Story” skit, and the teachers performed an “Up” skit. And to conclude the performances, the cheer team performed some choreography — just before they ended, the convertibles ran onto the field and performed a group routine with the cheerleaders.Then, when that dance was over, the cheer group ran off the field and the convertibles performed a hip hop dance.

Lastly, the varsity football players lined up in the middle of the field, and Coach Collins announced the players’ names — at the end of the line, the varsity players displayed their jerseys on the teacher(s)/administrator(s) that they respect & look up to the most at Lincoln High school. Towards the end of the rally, one of the two announcers, Ciera McCain, a Senior convertible, announced the class places of the skit/dances. The Freshman ranked in 4th place, Sophomores ranked 3rd place, Juniors ranked 2nd place, and the Seniors won in 1st place.


Showing respect to their role model (From left to right: Johnny Cornejo, Radiah Flores, Carlos Salazar, Anastacio Prado) (Jocelyn Insurriaga/ Lion tales)