Read these Awesome Books in 2018

Ever walked into a library and felt lost? Like you don’t know what to read or where to start? You are not alone! So, if you want a good book to read, here’s a compiled book list from all sorts of people! Including Teachers, staff, and students –this is what they recommend to read. (Descriptions included.)

But first, here are some of my personal favorites:

But if you don’t like any of those, here’s another list of recommendations from students on campus!

But if none of these books here don’t suit your tastes, or you feel your to old for “kindergarten” books here’s another list from Lincoln High Schools staff and teachers! Caution – Some of these have real life situations and themes. So if it’s too much please stick to the two lists above.

But the books don’t stop here, there are probably more books in this world than people. So, if you didn’t find any to your liking here there are all sorts of people out in the world that could recommend great b