Animal testing, why is it a problem?

Animal testing, why is it a problem?

 Animal testing is a very debatable topic nowadays. Many of our products are tested on animals and we have no clue. 

One example where people do animal testing is in cosmetics. In the article, “About Cosmetics Animal Testing” by Humane Society International explains how harmful testing on animals is and how companies do it.  According to the article the author says, “for cosmetics include skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped onto the eyes of rabbits..” This shows that in order for them not to know that the product wont harm us they hurt animals instead.  

The same article later mentions how although the animals are suffering they do not receive any pain medication and are there left to die.  The article says, “Pain relief is not provided and at the end of a test the animal is killed”. By doing these tests the animals have to go through tremendous amount of pain before they are killed,  which includes: swollen eyes, blindness, internal bleeding, sore bleeding skin, organ damage and convulsions.  

Animal Testing is also known as an animal abuse , they can get injured , infected or even killed because of our experiments . Some experiments tested sometimes may never be used for anything . It can also cost lots of money you need to house them , feed them specific things so they won’t catch any type of infection . 

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) every year more than 100 million animals- including rats, mice, cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits, pigs, monkeys, reptiles, and birds- are killed in laboratories, chemical, food, drug, and cosmetic testing, and medical training in the United States. Some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, or immobilized for many hours. They are locked in cages alone hurt and traumatized. 

According to the humane society, responses and symptoms that occur in other species are not the same as in humans. As a result 9 out of 10 medicines approved in animals still fail with humans. This leads to waste in materials and risk of health. 

Dog fights are what tends to be the most horrible animal abuse , if they don’t win it is most likely for them to not even make it home because either they will get dumped or they will get starved or beaten to death . The excuse for dog fighting that’s most known is “I use my animal and put them in a position to battle fights for me “ . Humans are also known to use a variety of illegal drugs , they inject steroids to create a bigger muscle mass and increase aggressiveness . 

According to the Humane Society, there is an alternative for animal testing. It involves the sequencing of the human genome, technology like computers, and  high speed robot automation of cell based screening systems. These innovations can help to examine exactly how drugs and chemicals disrupt the human body at cellular and molecular levels.  

Cruelty and neglect across all social and economic boundaries and media reports suggest that animal abuse is common in both rural and urban areas. The animals that are most abused are dogs, cats, horses and livestock. The shocking number of animal cruelty cases reported every day is just the tip of the iceberg, most cases are never reported.