Lincoln’s Performing Arts
As we start our 2013-2014 school year the anticipated Performing Arts of lion is coming together. They have many performances through out the school year and is very exciting to go and watch. As the instructor Mr.Manthe guides his students to get prepared for the upcoming performances. As he is in his 17th year teaching Performing arts and about on his 90th show. As his students don’t only spend time in school but also about 2-6 hours everyday after school to prepare for the shows. The actors and actress are very talented and loyal to performing arts. The performers are also student thats manage to go through school during the day with their challenging classes and also manage to spend hours and hours rehearsing and perfecting the performance.As Paige Thesing was interviewed she mentioned that she enjoys performing for the people that come to watch the shows and to entertain the guests of the show. She also says “That is is nice to work wit people in performing arts and watching them grow throughout their performances. She also feels very excited and ready to for the upcoming shows.About the Contributor

Presiliano Rene Chacon, Editor
Presiliano Rene Chacon was born in San Jose,CA. Rene is a senior at Lincoln High School and is interested in journalism because he enjoys reporting sports...