A Mathematical Art Project

“An opportunity to learn and work together. Teamwork, collaboration, problem solving,” said Mrs. Reid.

Mrs. Reid’s Geometry classes spent Thursday, May 21 creating mathematical chalk designs in Lincoln’s Pit all day, for the fourth year in a row.  This year’s students had an animal theme for their project. The students picked their top favorites from the designs proposed by each class, then it was up to Mrs. Reid herself to choose the final 13. The final 13 groups got to skip all their classes to work together for such a creative and educational project.

“It’s a good way of people collaborating on their artwork and putting their creativity [into] chalk,” said sophomore Eric Villalpando.

Not only was this a fun opportunity for artistic students to miss class, but it also gave them an educational outlook on art. Mrs. Reid explained that the purpose of “the chalk art is to combine math knowledge to real applicable project based learning. They use math to create this. They have to use scaling, which is geometry content. Which is very helpful; they can see the techniques and application of why they’re learning what they’re learning.”

When Lion Tales asked Marissa Vest why her team chose to create a blue penguin, she said, “We actually chose multiple animals, but the only one we could draw was the penguin.”

Unfortunately, not every group was able to create their chalk art so smoothly. Sophomore Adriel Villegas and his partner accidentally drew their outline upside down and had to start over. Luckily they were able to save their chalk art and turn their wolf into a stingray.

All participants in the fourth annual Sidewalk Chalk Day accomplished their amazing designs by the end of the day and had fun while doing so. Try to go admire the colorful art in Lincoln’s Pit before it’s gone.